Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Count down to Montana

25 more days till we leave for Montana.
My husband Mike... Luis Almeida, and I are heading on our Motorcycles from Buffalo, NY to Montana. (Luis is driving from NJ to Buffalo first)

First we will be going to  Beartooth Highway first then over to Glacier National Park.

Yesterday we rode on my motorcycle to pick up Mike's Bike at the Harley dealer. He had heated grips and new handlebars put on his bike.  We were getting ready to leave, I get on my bike..... I look at the footboard, and there are drips of something on it.... Hummmmm…… I am thinking.... I need to look into this. I start to get off my bike.... and duhhhhhh!!!! I don't have the kickstand down.  ….. DOWN goes my motorcycle....!!!! a bunch of fluid flows out of the bike..... I'm in a panic.... I yell for Mike who is around the building.... as some of the guys come out of the dealership and say.... Do you need help????

Mike rides over... and is like.... what the heck is going on!!!!

We put my bike back up on it's kickstand.. look at all the fluid around the bike.... and realize.... Blessed that this happened now.... than out on the road... heading toward Montana...

Everyone is out to lunch so we head out on Mike's Bike to get some lunch.....
I'm already eating Humble Pie, so I'm really not that hungry.... But, we head out and have lunch. After we get back to the dealership and I find out my fork seal is blown out.  That, that was oil coming out of my fork..... I tell Mike and we talk, we decide that they should replace both seals and take care of it.

Good thing that this happened now than on the road.  I don't know how long the seal has been broke, but, dropping the bike helped figure out the problem fast!

So My Bike is in the shop.... getting fixed ….. getting ready for the ride of a lifetime....

Going To Montana


  1. There's a reason for everything! Going to Montana soon, going to be a dental floss Tycoon!

  2. I am so excited for you! Hope to see you before you go! I’m back from Chile. Great experience.

    1. I can't wait to hear about it Krista!!!! Let's get together!
